Reach for t’Sky

Season 1, Episode 10: The Power of the Written Word

Written communication is one of the most powerful tools we have in business. The ability to convey your thoughts clearly and persuasively in writing can influence decisions, inspire action, and build your professional reputation. Early in my career, I underestimated this.

I’ll never forget the time I sent out a project update to a senior leadership team. I had written it in a hurry, using jargon and buzzwords that I thought sounded impressive. But the result? It was a disaster. One of the directors came back asking for clarification on nearly every point. I had overcomplicated things, and the message I was trying to communicate got lost in translation. It was an embarrassing lesson, but an important one.

That experience taught me the value of simplicity and clarity in written communication. The most effective writing doesn’t try to sound clever—it gets the point across in the clearest way possible. Now, every time I write, I put myself in the reader’s shoes, ensuring that my message is easy to understand, actionable, and concise.

Whether it’s an email, a report, or a business proposal, the written word is often your first and most lasting impression. The ability to write with clarity and precision can make all the difference in how your message is received and acted upon.